Sunday, February 7, 2010

Which one of the following statements is false?

A. Few, if any, ecosystems remain undisturbed by humans.

B Costa Rica is a world leader in establishing zoned reserves.

C Costa Rica hopes to maintain at least 80% of its native species by using zoned reserves.

D The areas surrounding a zoned reserve are not to be used to support human populations.

E An extensive region of land that includes one or more areas undisturbed by humans is called a zoned reserve.

Please respond asap! Thanks!Which one of the following statements is false?
d. because the area around it is not part of it. its like saying the area around a dog is a dog. which is not true.Which one of the following statements is false?
D. because the area around a zoned reserve is free to be used in anyway in which the public pleases without worrying about boundary constraints.. thus, people may live on, or camp out in such areas- as well as hunt game or collect food.
D . honestly, becuase i copied. im sorry..

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