Sunday, February 7, 2010

Have any Democrats showed us proof that what Republicans say about the health care bill are all false?

Other than saying, ';that's not true';. Are we just supposed to say, ';OK, if you say so.';

Have any of them come out and said, ';On page 478 it does not say that, it says this?';

Do you realize how ambiguous the pages or sections in question are?Have any Democrats showed us proof that what Republicans say about the health care bill are all false?
The only refute I ever got from a Liberal was a link to the white house talking head show, in which consisted of Obama cronies telling lies.Have any Democrats showed us proof that what Republicans say about the health care bill are all false?
Have nothing
Democrats don't need any stinking Republican support or say in any of their bills

Stay away from the government.Weren't 8 yrs enough for you to destroy America ?
I'm not going to pretend to know what's on the bill, but who in their right minds would believe that Obama is trying to kill the elderly and the young? Under normal circumstances nobody would. But the Republicans are attacking the bill so fiercely that people are starting to really believe what is being said.
no, not from what i've seen, this is amazing in the fact that the current bill(s) are 1000+ pages long with the mandate for a plethora of agencies and bureaucracies who will interpret and implement the gray areas. out of all the answers that i've seen, not one has ';ONE'; question or concern. i don't find that annoying....i find it scary !!!!!
I'm sure if you gave specific examples, then maybe we could.
That would require them actually reading the bill and admitting what's in it.
Actually you are the ones with all of the accusing ... i have read the bill and do not see what you are saying at all.In fact I can not even find where you would miss read some of the things the GOP is coming up with. So why are up you not saying '; Here Look on page 478 paragraph 6 line 2 Grandma has to die and on page 45 paragraph 7 line 13 they talk about death panels.';

We can not give you what you want not because we don't have proff but because you have twisted things so badly we have no idea how you came up with it in the first place. And you are so irrational that if we did say look on page 16 so on and so on, you would just say its on another page anyways.

I mean you guys claim to have the answers and that they are soooo clear to you, why then are you not willing to SHOW us what you are talking about.
No they haven't. Don't count on them doing it either.
They standard argument is usually in the form of an ad hominem attack. In their scorched earth debate strategy, if you destroy the people asking the questions, the answers become irrelevant.

It is from the Saul Alinsky playbook - rule #9 for radicals - Pick a target, marginalize it, and then destroy it.
The burden of proof is on you. You are making the accusations.

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