Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Has anyone had false negative or positive with clear blue digital pregnancy tests?

today i did this test and came as ';not pregnant'; but my period is not due until friday. but i think i am pregnant so just want to know if anyone had false results.Has anyone had false negative or positive with clear blue digital pregnancy tests?
Digitals didn't come out positive for me until a couple days after the regular ones already showed positive. I don't think the digitals are quite as sensitive as the regular tests. First Response told me first. EVen their digital came up negative while their regular test clearly had 2 lines.Has anyone had false negative or positive with clear blue digital pregnancy tests?
go to planneD parenthood/ womans clinic or your doctors office and ask for a quantitative preg blood test. This test checks for any pregnancy hormone in your body and also gives you the percentage, which tells you how far off pregnant u are(if u are preg). Results take about 3-5 days cause blood work is sent to a lab.This is the only 100% acurate and guarantee way of finding out if you are pregnant.

You could also take a qualitative preg blood test. This checks for the preg hormone and just gives a yes or no answer and u get the result in 5 min

You could also get an ultrasound done...even if its to early to see or hear the fetus, the doc will be able to spot a gestational sac.

I hope u know that not all women have enough HCG in their urine for a urine preg test to work...So it might come out negative, when in fact you really are pregnant.

Instead of wasting a whole bunch of money on urine tests...just get a quantitative or ultrasound done...about 50 bucks....but its 100% guaranteed and accurate :)

Good luck!
i used those tests as well.i started testing 4 days before my period and got a negative each time but tested again on the day my period was due and got my positive!hang on in there babes,give those hormone levels time to rise and test again on friday!xxx!
I did mine the day I was suppose to get my period and it came up Pregnant. It took 4 weeks to get a positive.

You could of tested too early. I never trust the 5 or 7 days before your period is suppose to come. Test the day of or the few days after.
if you dont have enough hcg in your body that the test calls for then you will get a negative, even if you are indeed pregnant. Since you tested early its very possible. I would wait until after your late and retest.
honestly, I hate the digital ones. They don't show up as early as the line ones. I've never had a line test be wrong.

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