Thursday, February 11, 2010

Could you accept 9/11 as a false flag event to sustain our way of life and potentially save millions of lives?

Some people would like to think our government couldn't have possibly condoned the death of 3,000 Americans for any reason at all. But what if that reason was to save a greater number of Americans and at a higher standard of living than would have been otherwise possible.

I am not asking you to believe anything I am asking you if you would be capable of getting over this emotional hurtle. This is a hypothetical and does not take into account any other variables E.G. the current economic quandaries.Could you accept 9/11 as a false flag event to sustain our way of life and potentially save millions of lives?
That could make sense, after all the 3000+ dead on 9/11 could be seen as a good deal, for the continuance of a certain kind of life for the whole country, if one is unencumbered by personal sentiment.

It wouldn't be true of course, it would be a better life for a select few, but after all that's what Republicans vote for, even the ones at the bottom of the heap.

It's all about perception; for example the sanctions against Iraq, leading up to the war, directly caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi children, this is not disputed by anyone who looks into it.

However this is not something that most Americans much cared about, on the other hand if US soldiers had gone into Iraq, killing as many babies and children as would have died from the sanctions, then their would have been national outrage across the political spectrum.

...But it's just the same number of dead babies, the same amount of suffering by them and their dear ones.

So I don't think most would get over the emotional hurdle, just as they can't let themselves look at 9/11 with an open mind.

There is also an intellectual hurdle to take into account.Could you accept 9/11 as a false flag event to sustain our way of life and potentially save millions of lives?
Having read a little Chomsky on US foreign policy and a little world history for good luck, I know for a fact that there's no limit to how low a ruling class would sink to perpetuate their grip on power and to take power from others. So yes, the false flag hypothesis is very much believable.

However, in the absence of any conclusive evidence, I cannot view 9/11 being a false flag attack as being anything other than just a hypothesis. I must say, though, that, given the severity of such a claim, it would be stupid and childish to dismiss such a hypothesis on mere emotional grounds. ';Everyone else says so'; is not an acceptable standard for truth. Evidence is.
The proof was visible all over tv while 9/11 was happening. I saw the hole in the Pentagon was too small for a jet airliner. I saw bldg #7 go down evenly like a planned demolition. I don't need informants to tell me what I saw with my own two eyes as it happened.

I know first hand that our govt lied to us.

Some of you loonies in this column can distort what you say, but you can't distort what I saw.
Billions of dollars changed hands because of events on 9/11/2001. Those money grubbing b a s t a rds do not care about Americans, although they try to justify themselves through spin.

The average American has been hurt in many ways. It's the money elite (top 1% of incomes) who have profited.
A lot of Jewish people did not go to work that day. Sounds like some vested interest in preserving their hides while letting fellow workers go into the melting oven with no chance of escape. I see a lot of people don't believe you but those are the people that should be wondering what role the media played in propping Jesus pose Bush as the answer to the Axis of Evil. What role does the Israel lobby have propping Obama (assasination) then Biden ( loves and married to Israel). I know they would not touch McCAin for the sake of keeping Palin away from the button that McCain would of been pointing at Iran.

The CIA thought Iraq was to not be the same mistake twice. My response, shaped charges, cellular tactics, our own media against our soldiers. We obviously did not care about the thousands of Iraqi lost to prop up Halliburton.
No, I'm still upset about it. The reasons you mention are pretty accurate, but it wasn't a false flag operation; it was an inevitable and foreseeable result of the U.S. foreign policies of the past century intended to pursue exactly those goals you listed.
If You are talking about the Project for the New American Century, no, I'll never accept that

human beings should never be pawns for politicians
capable of getting over the murder of over 3000 because SOMEONE THOUGHT it would be a good thing? are you kidding me? i didn't think it would be a good thing. why his opinion more valuable than mine? come on, i'm sane, and this guy would be quite insane. so... NO!
How I'd feel about it is kind of irrelevant, unless you can produce some evidence that this is what happened. Which you can't, can you.
Why, everyone knows it was a handful of arabs in a cave, exercising on monkey-bars, that pulled off 9/11 unaided!
The looney bin is to the left

We all , except for a few drug addled fools, know who did 9/11. I lost dseveral friends that day and frankly find you morons offensive.
No I will not accept a lie..ever

Here is the reason why the false flag operation was an idea of the 60's and didn't even get off the ground than.

In the era of modern information flow an operation of the scale to pull a 9/11 is Beyond reason.

No politician is will it go to jail forever if caught.

Washington couldn't keep 1 BJ under cover for more than a couple of weeks.

You expect that the months of work need to bring down the WTC and not one person coming and going into the WTC would have caught them.

The #1 terrorist hunter was in charge and die in the WTC wouldn't have stop it.

Let play a little experiment:

There is aircraft crash witness by over 475 witnesses investigated by the top NSTB crash investigator with tons of physical evidences.

Than one man in France who was never there and didn't go to the crash scene is to be believe over the first mention.

Here is only a partial list of independent people who expalin what happen on that day and we are to ingore all that over one professor who can't even get one of his fellow professor to sign off on his ideas:

Journal Of Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

Engineers Explain WTC Collapse…

Report Ties WTC Collapses to Column Failures…


Simulation for the collapse of WTC after aeroplane impact - Lu XZ., Yang N., Jiang JJ. Structure Engineer, 66(sup.). 2003, 18-22

Bazant, Z.P., %26amp; Zhou, Y.

';Addendum to 'Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? - Simple Analysis'; (pdf)

Journal of Engineering Mechanics v. 128, no. 3, (2002): 369-370.

Brannigan, F.L.

';WTC: Lightweight Steel and High-Rise Buildings';

Fire Engineering v.155, no. 4, (2002): 145-150.

Clifton, Charles G.

Elaboration on Aspects of the Postulated Collapse of the World Trade Centre Twin Towers

HERA: Innovation in Metals. 2001. 13 December 2001.

';Construction and Collapse Factors';

Fire Engineering v.155, no. 10, (2002): 106-108.

Corbett, G.P.

';Learning and Applying the Lessons of the WTC Disaster';

Fire Engineering v.155, no. 10, (2002.): 133-135.

';Dissecting the Collapses';

Civil Engineering ASCE v. 72, no. 5, (2002): 36-46.

Eagar, T.W., %26amp; Musso, C.

';Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? Science, Engineering, and Speculation';

JOM v. 53, no. 12, (2001): 8-12.

Federal Emergency Management Agency, Therese McAllister, report editor.

World Trade Center Building Performance Study: Data Collection, Preliminary Observations, and Recommendations

(also available on-line)

Gabrielson, T.B., Poese, M.E., %26amp; Atchley, A.A.

';Acoustic and Vibration Background Noise in the Collapsed Structure of the World Trade Center';

The Journal of Acoustical Society of America v. 113, no. 1, (2003): 45-48.

Glover, N.J.

';Collapse Lessons';

Fire Engineering v. 155, no. 10, (2002): 97-103

Marechaux, T.G.

';TMS Hot Topic Symposium Examines WTC Collapse and Building Engineering';

JOM, v. 54, no. 4, (2002): 13-17.

Monahan, B.

';World Trade Center Collapse-Civil Engineering Considerations';

Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction v. 7, no. 3, (2002): 134-135.

Newland, D.E., %26amp; Cebon, D.

';Could the World Trade Center Have Been Modified to Prevent Its Collapse?';

Journal of Engineering Mechanics v. 128, no. 7, (2002):795-800.

National Instititue of Stamdards and Technology: Congressional and Legislative Affairs

“Learning from 9/11: Understanding the Collapse of the World Trade Center”

Statement of Dr. Arden L. Bement, Jr., before Committee of Science House of Representatives, United States Congress on March 6, 2002.

Pinsker, Lisa, M.

';Applying Geology at the World Trade Center Site';

Geotimes v. 46, no. 11, (2001).

The print copy has 3-D images.

Public Broadcasting Station (PBS)

Why the Towers Fell: A Companion Website to the Television Documentary.

NOVA (Science Programming On Air and Online)

Post, N.M.

';No Code Changes Recommended in World Trade Center Report';

ENR v. 248, no. 14, (2002): 14.

Post, N.M.

';Study Absolves Twin Tower Trusses, Fireproofing';

ENR v. 249, no. 19, (2002): 12-14.

The University of Sydney, Department of Civil Engineering

World Trade Center - Some Engineering Aspects

A resource site.

';WTC Engineers Credit Design in Saving Thousands of Lives';

ENR v. 247, no. 16, (2001): 12.

The Towers Lost and Beyond

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Eduardo Kausel, John E. Fernandez, Tomasz Wierzbicki, Liang Xue, Meg Hendry-Brogan, Ahmed F. Ghoniem, Oral Buyukozturk, Franz-Josef Ulm, Yossi Sheffi

You sir need to get a grip on the reality we are at war with Muslim terrorists.

I have work in the shadows and much I like to say but here is the bottom line you can't find any in that world wwho think killing 3000

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