Thursday, February 11, 2010

Aren't Atheists the weakest link? When the anti christ comes and the false prophet, they will fail?

They are looking for evidence. When the anti christ comes they will believe the evidence the anti christ will show. They are truly lost souls.Aren't Atheists the weakest link? When the anti christ comes and the false prophet, they will fail?
Yes, I do agree that they are truly lost souls. Personally, I would want to help them, but they are not willing to accept the existence of God. Well, we can not force them...and they keep on hardening their hearts, just like Pharaoh.

I would feel very sorry for them when the Time comes when ';every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord';, and at that time it will be too late for them to repent.

They just keep on making excuses. I'm sure that after I post this, many atheist Y!A users will criticize me, asking for evidences, saying bad words, etc., but no matter how much evidence we show them, they will still make up an excuse for not believing. Just like Pharaoh...Aren't Atheists the weakest link? When the anti christ comes and the false prophet, they will fail?
Atheists don't deny the existence of God. They don't believe in God, Gods, or other supernatural things. It's the same way with you and Santa Claus, or the Tooth Fairy. Or even you and the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

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That's certainly one way of looking at it.

But you have to remember, the anti christ is going to perform miracles that people are going to believe to be those of Christ. That's what's going to make them believe. Most of them anyways.

Personally, I think that those who are atheist right now, but know the Bible will see the truth when it happens, and they will be the ones who become the Preachers and lead the rest. Now wouldn't that be a hoot?

God bless em'.
Assuming you are correct and there is a god, what makes you think that Christians are any less likely to be fooled than those who do not believe.

As a number of Christians believe in creationism against what is now overwhelming evidence of natural selection I suggest that being a Christian does not make you infallible to being able to judge what is the truth.
Only God can read a person's heart and we can't ever know for sure the exact time a person receives the Lord into their hearts and which lord, The Prince of Peace, or the Prince of Darkness. That is why God gives us a list of 'Gifts of the Spirit' People will show their true colors eventually. But that is truly between God and the individual.
OMG! There are more people on here than Christians and Athiests, but I think you count me as an athiest because I'm not Christian? Do you know why the anti-christ will never come? Because he's not real. Anyway, I do feel sorry for people like you, so scared and insecure so need to scare other people into believing what they believe. You think I'm lost . . .
The antichrist is already here using people like you to drive people away from christianity instead of trying to attract them to it!!

GOOD christians are indignant that such postings as yours make all christians look so bad and intolerant - they will all be praying for your soul!!!
When the great Potato Beast of Garagor appears on the Jello Dragon will all the sinners who refused to wear pink underpants and hop counter clockwise on alternate Tuesdays in memory of Buddy the Chipmunk. Will you quake with fear or laughter.
the anti Christ has taken more rainchecks than carter has little liver pills . get yourself a sign and march the street as the prophet of doom so people can point and say look at the weirdo. . this is not even a link to the truth.
Atheists are not that gullible. If I don't believe in the divinity of Jesus now, why on earth would I start following an ';anti-Chist,'; whatever that is?

Something like matter and anti-matter perhaps? Just a thought.
What about all the Christians waiting for Jesus to come back? I think if there really was an anti-christ they would be the ones who are on the look out for signs. Atheists are more likely to keep questioning and be skeptical. That's what we do.
Uh, no. Atheists will be the most skeptical of miracles the AC is supposed to perform. It would be those who want proof of God and the coming of Christ who will follow the AC.
The Flying Spaghetti Monster will welcome me on his island with the beer volcano and stripper factory... I'm not a lost soul! RAmen!

You think that's ridiculous??

Your story doesn't sound any more realistic to me!
That's only your opinion... maybe you're the weakest link and the judgement day never comes so you lived your life pretending that there was a god that doesnt exist would save you...

In which case you'd cry yourself to sleep and pretend this never happened....
Some of us ';atheists'; live far better ';Christian'; life styles than allot of the two faced pew fillers out there. Far better to live a good life than talk of one incessantly.
When Ragnarok comes, won't you be regretful to Odin?

or maybe

When Qiyamah comes, won't you be regretful to Allah?
The biggest following of the anti-christ is going 2 be of the jews. As they love money and riches and he will give it 2 them.
Atheism is the only sane choice. There is no Antichrist and no Christ.

We look for evidence because we do not let a fictional book run our lives.
Personally I am waiting for Osiris. I want to go to their heaven. They seem far cooler then the Christian god.
Yeah, if the Antichrist comes we'll be badly screwed.

Strangely, I'm not apprehensive.
Evidence is not a belief it is fact, truth, or proof to something.
So we are to believe in anything any one says we should - no evidence need? Or do we just believe it because our parents did?
Oh, Good Grief !
Epic Fail
Yes, it's atheists who believe silly crap like this. Right.
It is not too late for them. We will not reach them with insults. We must practice grace. God bless.
You are the weakest link. Goodbye.
Most of them will fallow Prince Felipe.
they will be horrified to realize they were wrong and 'every knee shall bow'.
Oh look, another use thinks he's funny...
I'm truly sorry for your lots.

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