Sunday, February 7, 2010

How common is false accusation of rape?

I have heard that the number of women falsely accusing men of rape is higher than the actual number of rapes committed. Does anyone have any actual research figures or opinions on this?How common is false accusation of rape?
The number of rapes never reported is far higher then the actual one that are. False accusations of rape are very rare since there needs to be some physical evidence that an assault actually occurred. When you consider the very small percentage these actual assaults that result in convictions you would be shocked. Many women are afraid to file reports or too ashamed. These reports are irresponsible and blatantly sexist. Why would a women pretend to be raped so that she could be scrutinized and grilled by police officers then dragged through the court system. Remember these women are just evidence and don't receive anything for these claims except for pain and re-victimization.

In the Columbia Journalist Review that Serin is siting the statement is actually that rape that is falsely reported is no higher then any other falsely reported crime. So check out the site. After all Fox News knows all, in fact their stories are often sensationalized to attract audience.

And in Louisville, six months earlier, the author of an op-ed article in The Courier-Journal told readers that the percentage of rape reports that turn out to be false was the same nationally as for other major crimes - around 2 percent.…How common is false accusation of rape?
I think that is full of crap. Let me guess it was a serial rapist who made the comment
that's BS. there are a ton of rapes that aren't even reported, so they're not included in statistics of the number of rapes committed.…

though false accusations really need to stop! they make people think that those who have actually been raped are crying wolf, and that prevents women from reporting when she has been raped.
I think you should research this false accusation on your own.
Some lawyer wrote a book I read and I'll never forget this.

Rape is

(1) The most under reported crime (some studies show more men are actually raped then women)

(2) Rape is the most over-reported crime (can't explain to mom and dad why I'm pregnant so claim rape).

Talk about scaring the crap out of you.
If you really want to get riled up about the subject, check out

There is an absolutely HUGE compendium of the injustices committed by feminists and women using the system for their own means. While I concede that that 1 in 4 statistic for false rapes may not be correct, I also acknowledge that the 1 in 4 refers only to charges that were thrown out because the defendants were PROVEN innocent by DNA, so the number could be higher or lower.

Recorded here:…

In an examination of rape reports from 1978 to 1987 in an unnamed midwestern city of 70,000, he found that of the 109 rapes reported to the police, 45, or 41 percent, were subsequently classified as false. Kanin also got the police records of two unnamed large state universities and found that in three years, 50 percent of the 64 rapes reported to campus police were determined to be false.

Take it with a grain of salt, if you wish. Check out ';false rape'; in Google... you should be able to find a good body of evidence for analysis.
That's ridiculusly false. There might be people who falsely claim rape, but they're not the majority. In fact, the majority of rape victims don't report it.
According to the Air force and the forensic science digest: 40% - 60%

As for what motivates false accusers:

There is the attention issue. Feminists have insisted that ';rape accusers are to be taken seriously';, for many women this is an end in itself. The idea they will be ';taken seriously'; is too tempting for them.

The most common reasons the women gave for falsely accusing rape were ';spite or revenge,'; and to compensate for feelings of guilt or shame (Forensic Science Digest, vol. 11. no. 4, December 1985).

Here are sources that put the number at around 40% - 60% of rape accusations being false.

According to a nine-year study conducted by former Purdue sociologist Eugene J. Kanin, in over 40 percent of the cases reviewed, the complainants eventually admitted that no rape had occurred (Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 23, No. 1, 1994). Kanin also studied rape allegations in two large Midwestern universities and found that 50 percent of the allegations were recanted by the accuser.

In 1985 the Air Force conducted a study of 556 rape accusations. Over one quarter of the accusers admitted, either just before they took a lie detector test of after they had failed it, that no rape occurred. A further investigation by independent reviewers found that 60 percent of the original rape allegations were false.

The most common reasons the women gave for falsely accusing rape were ';spite or revenge,'; and to compensate for feelings of guilt or shame (Forensic Science Digest, vol. 11. no. 4, December 1985).

Dr. Charles P. McDowell, Supervisory Special Agent, U.S. Air Force, Office of Special Investigations found that:

';To my considerable chagrin, we found that at least 60 percent of all the rape allegations were false.';

Dierdre O is blatantly lying to justify her ideology. It is point blank not true that physical evidence of assault is required for a rape case to go forward. For example, look at the Duke case. Was there evidence of an assault? There was evidence of ';intercourse';, yes.. but no physical evidence of attack was present. On the contrary feminists are currently pushing for ';evidence of intercourse'; to be considered de facto evidence of rape. Not that that compounds the problem of false accusations severely or anything.

You might also want to look at the site:

For more information on false rape allegations.
If you throw in incest and rape of underage girls who do not report, date rapes where the woman feels it's her fault, the results will probably be staggering. I know a woman who counsels teenage girls and when she gets these girls to open up to her she finds that many pregnant teens are pregnant because their boyfriends or acquaintenances have forced themselves on them and they are ashamed or afraid to tell.
i would like to point out that just because DNA has ruled out the prime suspect in a rape case does not mean that the report of rape was false exp. a woman or man has been raped the ex was a suspect they had made threats of rape now DNA evidence rules them out rapist is never caught , this does not mean a rape did not take please only that the police did not find the rapist. Next while some people may claim rape and then even recant even that does not mean they were not raped , i know a girl who got raped came forward only to be harassed by the whole school and even others who she thought were her friends and she just wanted it all to stop so she said she had made it all up, rape is almost never made up.
You want balanced information that is impartial from reputable sources. The ';Serin's'; of the world have their own agenda - biased information is by it's very nature misleading, the sources unreliable and data incorrect. Here is something to get you started:

“Rape reporting”

Statistics on incidents of rape are among the most unreliable for serious crimes. This is partly because of inconsistent definitions of ';rape'; in both legislation and academic studies. However, it is also because of underreporting and false reporting of the crime. In the United States rape is defined differently by separate states. In many legistatures in the world some non-consensual sexual acts are not defined as rape at all. They may be considered legal, or as other illegal forms of sexual assault.

These factors lead to wildly unreliable rape incidence statistics. In addition, male-female rape in particular is a highly politicized issue, leading to the polemical use of questionable statistics.[1] According to USA Today reporter Kevin Johnson ';no other major category of crime - not murder, assault or robbery - has generated a more serious challenge of the credibility of national crime statistics'; than has rape.[2]”


.1 Underreporting

.2 False reporting

.3 What the numbers do not mean

.4 Statistics on sexual violence and reporting

.5 How to report rape

.6 References…
It is about one in 4 in the U.S. but elsewhere I don't think it is as high.

One of the big problems is the high cost of legal representation.

If a man has no job and no money or can only afford minimal legal

costs or elects to represent himself without any legal know how.

Tell me what chance he is going to have.The laws are the problem

and the false accusers also damage the real rape victims and by the way women commit rape too and they can also be falsely

About 1 in 4. Here's an excerpt from a study done on the subject:

';Every year since 1989, in about 25 percent of the sexual assault cases referred to the FBI where results could be obtained, the primary suspect has been excluded by forensic DNA testing. Specifically, FBI officials report that out of roughly 10,000 sexual assault cases since 1989, about 2,000 tests have been inconclusive, about 2,000 tests have excluded the primary suspect, and about 6,000 have ';matched'; or included the primary suspect.';

Frightening, isn't it? There's an organization called the Innocence Project that pursues old cases with new technology to free falsely imprisoned men. Hundreds of men have been exonerated after serving YEARS in prison due to the false accusations of a woman.

When it comes to he said/she said, the latter always seems to carry more weight.
I know about someone who always told people she had ben raped.... and if she indeed was raped, then she was excused if she was kinda unstable and had lots of psychological issues, but we all think she made that up, which leads us to think she is even more sick, cause she needs to make that up to call for attention.... So if she was raped, poor girl, if not, she is a sicko, who has pychological issues anyways.... i mean... who makes that up??
yes girls mess around with guys and it turn to play full sex.Then, they feal guility and cry and blame it on the guy.Girls are complete hors for doing this becasue this thing happen to 2 of my freinds not with sex though lol.
● 0.4% of women aged 16 to 59 in England and Wales said they had been raped in the year preceding the 2000 BCS – an estimated 61,000 victims.

● the police came to know about 20% of rapes.

However many accusations are claimed to be false, there could never be more of them than the actual rapes committed. Do the maths.

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