Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Has anyone ever experienced or known of anyone getting a false negative on a blood pregnancy test?

I think that is what has happened to me.. :SHas anyone ever experienced or known of anyone getting a false negative on a blood pregnancy test?
when i was pregnant with my 4th child i was 10 days late so i went for a pee test which come out negative so i had a blood test still negitive then a week later i went for another pee test and it was still neg by the time i found out i was nearly 10 weeks good luck with youHas anyone ever experienced or known of anyone getting a false negative on a blood pregnancy test?
no its impossible to get a false positive on a blood pregnancy tests as it picks up even 1ml/u difference, usually a none pregnant women has between 0-5 ml/u and someone who is has of course 5+ml/u these change within days of the conception so by a week after having sex/conception it will have increase considerable....

so there is utterly no way unless your bloods were accidentally mixed up with someone Else's.
My siater in law has had a false negitive on a urine test but when they did a blood test it came out positive. I don't think it is possible to get a false negitve on a blood test.

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